Farming News

Growing Melons With Growthful

by | Mar 9, 2022

growing melons
The Santa Claus melon, sometimes known as the Christmas melon or pielde sapo (Toad Skin) is a variety of melon originating in Spain that grows to about a foot in length and is ovoid in shape. It has a thick, green-stripe outer rind and pale green to white inner flesh with a mild melon flavor and
 sweetness close to honeydew melons.
Here at Aqueus we are constantly expanding our research and looking into the efficacy of Growthful on more and more crops – as part of this dedication to thorough research, Lance W. Beem with Beem Agro-Sciences Corporation, directed a trial to determine the effects of Growthful on the growth, development, and yields of Santa Claus melons.


Randomized Complete Block trials were conducted on the Santa Claus melons in Lodi, California.
Plot dimensions: 30 ft. x 5 ft.
Plot Area: 150 sqft.
Replicates: 5 Replicates per Treatment, 1 Treatment & 1 Untreated Check
Planting Date: 5/24/2021
First Application Date: 6/3/2021
Second Application Date: 6/15/2021
Harvest Date: 7/31/2021



Growthful had positive effects on fruit count, weight, and value. Just two applications of Growthful produced a 6.1% increase in both fruit count and fruit weight!

ROI: This yield increase equates to a 6% increase in profits for the farmer of an

additional $1,136 per-acre.





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